The Philippines is famous for the biodiversity of the land and sea. Here are some of the flora and fauna you can spot in a visit to Coron, Palawan

Palawan Peony (Nepenthes deaniana): A carnivorous pitcher plant with intricate, cup-shaped traps that lure and capture insects. The plant’s pitcher morphology is adapted to maximize prey capture, allowing it to thrive in nutrient-poor soils.


Palawan Hornbill (Anthracoceros marchei): Recognizable by its large size, black plumage, and an impressive casque on its bill. The Palawan Hornbill plays a vital role in seed dispersal, contributing to the regeneration of the forest ecosystem.

Palawan Cherry (Xanthostemon verdugonianus): A striking tree with clusters of vibrant red or pink flowers resembling cherry blossoms. Its flowers attract a variety of pollinators, contributing to the rich biodiversity of Palawan.

Palawan Peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron napoleonis): A beautifully adorned bird with iridescent blue and green plumage, marked by distinctive eye-shaped spots on its tail feathers. Named after Napoleon Bonaparte, this pheasant is known for its secretive behavior in the dense forests of Palawan.

Palawan Mangrove (Rhizophora palawanensis): A mangrove species with distinctive prop roots and glossy green leaves. These mangroves play a vital role in protecting coastal areas, providing habitat for diverse marine life and serving as a buffer against storms.

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